Place, publisher, year, edition, pagesIOS PRESS, 2022. Demographic factors should be considered when interpreting MoCA performance and a tool for computing demographically corrected standard scores is provided. Conclusion: The negative impact of increasing age on MoCA performance continues linearly into the nineties in normal aging. Higher age and lower education were associated with lower performance and 46% performed below the original cut-off (< 26/30). MoCA scores were independently influenced by age and education, together explaining 17.2% of the total variance. They were evenly distributed by gender, on average 85 years old, and with a mean education of 11 years. Results: Norms were derived from the remaining n = 158. Individuals scoring in the range of possible cognitive impairment on the MMSE or more than mild depression on the PHQ-9 were excluded (n = 23) three discontinued the test-session. N= 181 eligible participants were administered a protocol including the Swedish version of the MoCA and assessments of global cognition (Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE) and depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9, PHQ-9). Only 65.1 and 25.7 healthy controls and 45.2 and 19.0 patients scored above the conventional cutoff scores of 21/22 and 25/26 on the MoCA. Initial telephone interviews and medical records searches (n = 218) were conducted to screen for cognitive impairment. The norms for the Hong Kong version of the MoCA total and domain scores and the total score of the MoCA 5-minute protocol are described. Methods: A pseudo-random sample of community-dwelling 80- to 94-year-olds, stratified by age and gender, was invited to the study.

Objective: To present demographically adjusted regression-based MoCA norms for cognitively healthy Swedish older adults. This necessitates reliable sub-population norms, but these are often lacking for older adults. 1335-1344 Article in journal (Refereed) Published Abstract īackground: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is sensitive to cognitive impairment however, it is also sensitive to demographic and socio-cultural factors.